Your pet has had a general anaesthetic and may be quieter than normal for 24-48 hours.
A small area of hair may have been clipped off one or both ears to enable injection of anaesthesia.
Keep your pet indoors overnight. Ensure your pet is warm (but not hot). If your pet is elderly or it is particularly cold outside, it may be necessary to keep him/her indoors for a longer period during recovery.
Offer your pet a small bowl of water, even if a water bottle is usually used. Your pet needs to drink after surgery, but often won’t do so if he/she has to “work” for their water. They will recover more quickly if they are well hydrated.
It is essential that your pet starts to eat quickly to prevent gut stasis. You may have been given a liquid recovery diet to use for the first day or so. If your pet hasn’t eaten anything within 24 hours of surgery, contact the surgery immediately.
Monitor the output of faecal pellets closely. If faecal output slows or stops after surgery, your pet may be suffering from gut stasis (Ileus) due to the stress of the surgery, especially if your pet was unwell to begin with.
There is no reason to separate bonded pairs or groups as long as they interact calmly.
Stitches are usually placed under the skin to prevent irritation, however if you pet has external stitches ensure he/she does not chew at them. Contact the surgery if this is a concern. Check any surgical wound 3 times a day.
Cleanliness is essential to encourage good healing. Ensure your pets accommodation is cleaned regularly.
NOTE THAT MALES MAY HAVE VIABLE SPERM FOR 4 – 6 WEEKS POST-NEUTERING! Do not place your male with an intact female until a minimum of four weeks after his neuter surgery!
If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact the surgery.