Your dog has had a general anaesthetic and may be drowsy when you get home. This is normal after a general anaesthetic.
It is important that your dog is kept indoors for 48hrs to recover. Your dog should be back to normal within 24-48 hours, but will need to be kept quiet and warm this evening. Water should be available at all times.
A small area of hair may have been clipped from one or more of your dogs leg sand /or neck, don’t worry this will soon grow back. This is to allow for the administration of the anaesthetic, and for the collection of blood samples. Anaesthesia usually involves placing a breathing tube in the windpipe and occasionally this may cause a little irritation afterwards. You may also notice slight coughing, but this should not persist for more than a day or so.
Please keep an eye on wounds or dressings. If you notice any problems such as swelling, discharge or redness of the wound, or the dressing has slipped or appears to be uncomfortable please contact the surgery for further advice. Dressings should be kept clean and dry at all times. It is important that your dog does not interfere with any wounds or dressings. Excessive licking can slow down wound healing and introduce infection. If a collar or bodysuit has been provided then please use it as instructed.
Later this evening your dog may want food and water. A small easily digestible meal (e.g. chicken, white fish) should be offered. For your convenience a ready prepared recovery pack of I/D an easily digested food is available from the surgery. Please ask a member of staff for details.
Dogs should be restricted to the garden until re-examination unless instructed otherwise. Any sutures will need to be removed 7-10 days after the operation.
Download post operative care sheet for your dog.
If you have any concerns or queries please do not hesitate to contact the surgery.